Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Respect of Soldiers Rank - 4852 Words
In the U.S. Military services, rank determines who gets to tell whom what to do. The higher one s rank the more authority (and responsibility) they have. U.S. Military personnel fall into one of three categories: (1) enlisted members, (2) warrant officers, and (3) commissioned officers. Warrant officers outrank all enlisted members, and commissioned officers outrank all warrant officers and enlisted members. Rank and pay grade are closely associated terms, but not quite the same. Pay grade is an administrative classification, associated with a member s pay. Rank is a title and denotes the member s level of authority and responsibility. An E-1 is the lowest enlisted pay grade. That person s rank is a Private in the Army and†¦show more content†¦military for the first time in 1817, when cadets at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., wore them on their sleeves. From West Point, chevrons spread to the Army and Marine Corps. The difference then was chevrons were worn points down until 1902, when Army and Marine Corps enlisted personnel switched to the present points up configuration.Navy and Coast Guard petty officers trace their insignia heritage to the British. Petty officers were assistants to the officers aboard ship. The title wasn t a permanent rank and the men served at the captain s pleasure. Petty officers lost their rank when the crew was paid off at the end of a voyage.In 1841, Navy petty officers received their first rank insignia -- an eagle perched on an anchor. Ratings -- job skills -- were incorporated into the insignia in 1866. In 1885, the Navy designated three classes of petty officers -- first, second and third. They added chevrons to designate the new ranks. The rank of chief petty officer was established in 1894.During World War II, the Army adopted technician grades. Technicians of a given grade earned the same pay and wore the same insignia as equivalent noncommissioned officers except for a small T centered under the chevrons. Technicians, despite the stripes, had no command authority over troops. This evolved into the specialist ranks, pay grades E-4 to E-7.Show MoreRelatedEssay The 7 Army Values and Malingering1450 Words  | 6 Pagessoldiers.†Duty, â€Å"Fulfill your obligations.†Respect, â€Å"Treat people as they should be treated.†Selfless Service, â€Å"Put the welfare of the nation, the Army and your subordinates above your own.†Honor, â€Å"Live up to the army values.†Integrity, â€Å"Do what’s right legally and morally.†and Personal Courage â€Å"Face fear, danger or adversity (physical or moral).†These seven Army values are taught to Soldiers in basic training and are reinforced through out a Soldier’s military career. 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