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Wednesday, August 26, 2020
The Outsiders Essays (2376 words) - Films, The Outsiders, Greaser
The Outsiders The Outsiders Presentation In this book examination, about the book The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton I will talk about character and plot advancement, just as the setting, the writer's style and my assessments about the book. In this piece of the examination I will give some data about the subjects of the book, also, about the creator. The creator composed the story when she was only 16 years of age, during the 1950s. The book was fruitful, and it was sold, and as yet being sold, in numerous duplicates as a youthful grown-ups novel. There was a film made about it, and today there are as yet numerous schools that utilization this book in middle school and secondary schools for English classes. There were plays made about the book as well. The Outsiders is about a group. They live in a city in Oklahoma. Ponyboy Curtis, a multi year old greaser, recounts to the story. Different characters incorporate Sodapop and Darry, Ponyboy's siblings, Johnny, Dallas, and Good for nothing, that were likewise group individuals and Ponyboy's companions. This story manages two types of social classes: the socs, the rich children, and the greasers, the poor children. The socs circumvent trying too hard to find something and greasers to pummel, and afterward the greasers are accused for it, on the grounds that they are poor and can't influence the specialists. I trust you would appreciate furthermore, take in something about the book from perusing this investigation. Plot Development The plot improvement in the book, The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, was simple to follow. In this piece of the book investigation I will give some more insights regarding the plot improvement. There were no snares or obstacles in the start of the book, the primary sentence begins immediately with the plot?without any forewords. This is the start of the main sentence: At the point when I ventured out into the brilliant daylight from the obscurity of the film house... (page 9). As should be obvious, it goes directly forthright with no preambles or any sort of presentation. The plot improvement in the story was reasonable and straightforward. It was clear and basic, and the occasions have happened in a sensible request. The closure of the story was somewhat anticipated. I foreseen the passing of Johnny in light of the fact that a messed up neck generally implies passing. The passing of Dally was not as unsurprising as Johnny's passing since it was said that: He was harder than the remainder of us?tougher, colder, meaner. (page 19). I did not believe that such an intense individual would get himself murdered on account of a passing of a companion, in spite of the fact that it was said a brief timeframe before the demise of Dither that: Johnny was the main thing Dally cherished. (page 160). The peaks toward the finish of the story were the passings of Johnny and Dally. Here are citations about the passings: Johnny's demise: The cushion appeared to sink a bit, and Johnny kicked the bucket. (page 157). Tarry's passing: He was snapped half around by the effect of the shots, at that point gradually folded with a look of bleak triumph all over. He was dead before he hit the ground. (page 162). To finish up I can say that the plot advancement was straightforward and simple to comprehend and to follow. The creator sorted out it such that fits the genuine substance of the plot. Character Development The characters in the book, The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton, were most certainly not very heroic?they were simply humans?it was anything but difficult to accept this is the manner in which they ought to be. The characters in the plot give the peruser a feeling this can be a genuine story. The creator has made the character of the characters through the depictions of Ponyboy?the narrator?and through their activities. Following are a few instances of these techniques for getting acquainted with a character. Here is a model for a depiction of Ponyboy: Steve Randle was seventeen, tall and lean, with thick oily hair he kept brushed in muddled whirls. He was presumptuous, savvy, what's more, Soda's best mate since grade school. Steve's claim to fame was vehicles... (page 17). The peruser can locate this sort of portrayals nearly wherever in the story, yet particularly in the first place. I think the writer put them there on the grounds that the peruser
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Proposed European Union Financial Transaction Tax Essay
Proposed European Union Financial Transaction Tax - Essay Example Everybody and ordinary undertakings were to stay unaffected (Vella, Fuest and Tim, 2011). The proposed charge was to be discrete from typical bank charge that some provincial organizations are requiring on money related establishments to help in protecting them from the expenses of any potential bailouts. Research has uncovered that the duty has the capability of social affair around 58 billion Euros for every year. Be that as it may, the part conditions of the European Union are as yet unsure on whether to consent to the proposition (Beck, 2011:73). Incredible Britain is one of the states that are energetically contradicting the release of the FTT. The England administrator has featured various reasons supporting their negative remain on the worry. This figure spoke to about 37% of the complete abroad trade advance on the planet. In London, the dollar exchange is multiple times as large as in America. Likewise, the Euro exchange the city is over double the sum exchanged the entire E U district (Benton 2003:54). The United Kingdom’s monetary administrations area is the main business in England, having overwhelmed the creation segment during the 1990s. Proof of this presents itself in the way that, in the 2009/2010 budgetary year, the British government rounded up 53.4 billion pounds in charge continues from the business. This sum added up to 11% of the absolute assortment in the nation. This sum is essentially bigger than the total of the country’s yearly military financial plan, and is almost equal to the country’s training spending assignment (Stevis, 2012). The county’s fiscal administrations division speaks to about 28% of the country’s whole entirety of administration related fares, with the banks driving the charge. Because of its status as the greatest money related power, in thought with all other European Union individuals, the nation stands to be the greatest failure from the presentation of the FTT charge law (Bijlis ma, 2011:485). As per the United Kingdom organization, the forcing of the FTT charge law will incredibly influence the general country’s enthusiasm, including destabilizing the economy, and affecting the development of instability rates in its business sectors. Also, the expense won't get any significant returns. The nation has introduced to the European Union documented reports enumerating the various potential harms and unfriendly impacts that the law, whenever made operational, would incur on it (The Telegraph, 2012). The legislature is anxious about the possibility that that the law will debilitate subordinate exchange, increment exchanging focus instability, and radically decrease its markets’ liquidity proportions. Also, they contend that the duty will prompt higher paces of joblessness, increment the inclination to dodge charge among residents, and significantly exhaust the present measure of accessible assessment continues (House of Lords.). Research on the pot ential effects of the proposed charge has demonstrated that the assessment will influence the drawn out development in the EU by 1.75 %. This rate, when separated, suggests to an expense of about 25.55 billion pounds to the UK economy (Boyle, 2009:342). Be that as it may, the figure is only a normal, and examiners conjecture that the absolute entirety could be far a lot bigger, considering the country’s remarkably outsized monetary segment. What's more, look into on the issue uncovers that the assessment would impact a fall of subsidiary exchanges adding up to about 90%. The country’
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Why Mental Health Disorders Co-Exist With Substance Use
Why Mental Health Disorders Co-Exist With Substance Use Addiction Print Why Mental Health Disorders Co-Exist With Substance Use By Sherri Gordon facebook twitter Sherri Gordon is a published author and a bullying prevention expert. Learn about our editorial policy Sherri Gordon Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on June 10, 2015 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on July 05, 2019 iStockphoto More in Addiction Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery The numbers do not lie. Mental illness and addiction often overlap. In fact, nearly 9 million people have a co-occurring disorder according to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Yet, only 7 percent of these individuals get treatment for both conditions. And nearly 60 percent receive no treatment at all. Understanding Comorbidity Comorbidity refers to the fact that two conditions, such as mental illness and substance abuse, often co-exist together. What this means is that in many people with addictions, there is an underlying mental health issue as well. While neither condition actually causes the other, they do often exist together. Whats more, one condition can exacerbate the symptoms of the other. To better understand how comorbidity is possible, it helps to recognize that both are chronic brain diseases. In other words, when someone struggles with an addiction, their brain has been permanently rewired by the substance they abused. This, in turn, causes the brain to function differently than before. Just like diabetes or heart disease, a person with an addiction must manage his condition for the rest of his life. It is not as simple as stopping the drug use or alcohol condition. Many times, this is simply not possible. Likewise, the changes that take place in the brain due to substance abuse occur in the same brain areas that are impacted by depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder. Consequently, it should not be surprising that there is a high rate of comorbidity between addiction and other mental illnesses. While scientists have yet to prove a direct link, some mental health issues increase the risk factors for substance abuse. What this means is that some people with mental illnesses will turn to alcohol or drugs to cope with the pain of their mental health issues. Why Addiction and Mental Illness Co-Occur Even though there is a high rate of comorbidity between addiction and mental illness, it does not mean that one caused the otherâ€"even if one condition appeared first. Instead, there are still a number of factors that need to be considered, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. For instance: Drug abuse can cause people to experience one or more symptoms of another mental illness. For example, there is an increased risk of psychosis in some marijuana users.Mental disorders can lead to drug or alcohol abuse because some people use substances to self-medicate. For instance, tobacco products sometimes lessen the symptoms of schizophrenia and may improve cognition. There also is some evidence that indicates that addictions and mental illnesses are caused by underlying brain deficits, genetic influences, and/or exposure to trauma early in life.? For instance, it is estimated that 40 to 60 percent of a persons vulnerability to addiction can be attributed to genetics. There also are several regions of the human genome that have been linked to an increased risk both for substance abuse and mental illness. Another common factor between mental health issues and addiction is the age at which the symptoms appear. During the teen years, people are still developing, maturing, and growing. As a result, significant changes in the brain occur during adolescence. For instance, teenagers are more prone to take risks and act impulsively. These behaviors, while common among teens, can influence the risk of addiction and other mental disorders. Finally, people who are physically or emotionally traumatized are at a much higher risk of substance abuse and possibly even addiction. This connection is particularly concerning for veterans returning to the country. In fact, one in five military servicemen and women coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan have reported symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or major depression. Some studies suggest that half of all veterans diagnosed with PTSD also have a co-occurring substance abuse problem. Why It Is Difficult to Diagnose Both Conditions Co-occurring disorders are sometimes difficult to diagnose. One reason is that the symptoms are often complex and can vary in severity. As a result, it is not uncommon for people to receive treatment for one disorder while the other disorder remains untreated. Sometimes this happens because the symptoms are so similar or overlap. In other words, both mental health issues and addiction can have similar biological, psychological, and social components. Another reason for not diagnosing both conditions might include inadequate training or screening. In any case, the consequences of undiagnosed, untreated, or undertreated co-occurring disorders can lead to a higher likelihood of experiencing homelessness, jail time, medical illnesses, and even suicide. Whats more, people with mental health issues who also abuse substances like drugs or alcohol are at an increased risk for impulsive or violent acts. They are also are more likely to develop an addiction and end up in legal trouble. And achieving lasting sobriety is increasingly difficult for them. Treatment When Comorbidity Exists Research suggests that co-occurring conditions need to be treated at the same time. In fact, for the best outcome, it helps when people with both an addiction and a mental health issue receive integrated treatment. With integrated treatment, doctors and counselors can address and treat both disorders at the same time. This, in turn, often lowers treatment costs and creates better outcomes for patients. Whats more, early detection and treatment of both conditions can greatly improve the persons recovery and quality of life. However, it is important to note that people who have both an addiction and another mental illness often have symptoms that are more persistent, severe and resistant to treatment compared with patients who have either disorder alone. For this reason, maintaining sobriety may be very difficult for them. Get Treatment From the 9 Best Online Therapy Programs A Word From Verywell Making a correct diagnosis of both an addiction and a mental health issue is vitally important to a patients success. When this occurs, his chance of recovery increases. ?But there needs to be increased awareness of comorbidity for this to occur. Too many times, one of the conditions goes undiagnosed and untreated. Once the treatment for co-existing conditions improves though, this will help reduce the social stigma that makes people so reluctant to pursue the treatment that they need.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Respect of Soldiers Rank - 4852 Words
In the U.S. Military services, rank determines who gets to tell whom what to do. The higher one s rank the more authority (and responsibility) they have. U.S. Military personnel fall into one of three categories: (1) enlisted members, (2) warrant officers, and (3) commissioned officers. Warrant officers outrank all enlisted members, and commissioned officers outrank all warrant officers and enlisted members. Rank and pay grade are closely associated terms, but not quite the same. Pay grade is an administrative classification, associated with a member s pay. Rank is a title and denotes the member s level of authority and responsibility. An E-1 is the lowest enlisted pay grade. That person s rank is a Private in the Army and†¦show more content†¦military for the first time in 1817, when cadets at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., wore them on their sleeves. From West Point, chevrons spread to the Army and Marine Corps. The difference then was chevrons were worn points down until 1902, when Army and Marine Corps enlisted personnel switched to the present points up configuration.Navy and Coast Guard petty officers trace their insignia heritage to the British. Petty officers were assistants to the officers aboard ship. The title wasn t a permanent rank and the men served at the captain s pleasure. Petty officers lost their rank when the crew was paid off at the end of a voyage.In 1841, Navy petty officers received their first rank insignia -- an eagle perched on an anchor. Ratings -- job skills -- were incorporated into the insignia in 1866. In 1885, the Navy designated three classes of petty officers -- first, second and third. They added chevrons to designate the new ranks. The rank of chief petty officer was established in 1894.During World War II, the Army adopted technician grades. Technicians of a given grade earned the same pay and wore the same insignia as equivalent noncommissioned officers except for a small T centered under the chevrons. Technicians, despite the stripes, had no command authority over troops. This evolved into the specialist ranks, pay grades E-4 to E-7.Show MoreRelatedEssay The 7 Army Values and Malingering1450 Words  | 6 Pagessoldiers.†Duty, â€Å"Fulfill your obligations.†Respect, â€Å"Treat people as they should be treated.†Selfless Service, â€Å"Put the welfare of the nation, the Army and your subordinates above your own.†Honor, â€Å"Live up to the army values.†Integrity, â€Å"Do what’s right legally and morally.†and Personal Courage â€Å"Face fear, danger or adversity (physical or moral).†These seven Army values are taught to Soldiers in basic training and are reinforced through out a Soldier’s military career. 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Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Importance of Relationships Depicted in the Great Gatsby...
Relationships In the novel, The Great Gatsby, by F. Scott Fitzgerald, there is an importance of relationships. They can be between lovers, friends, and families. The novel shows these, but also the wrong types of relationships such as people having affairs. People form relationships so they are not alone and they try to stick together through the hard times and the good times. In every relationship there are differing situations that affect the outcome and success of the relationship. One major relationship in this novel is between Tom and Daisy. Even though they are married, they do not have the best relationship. Daisy was in love with Gatsby five years ago, but while he was away she met Tom and got married. She is shallow and†¦show more content†¦They are only hurting their spouses so this is not a good, healthy relationship. The relationship between Daisy and Gatsby is also an affair. Five years ago they were in love, but when Gatsby was shipped out to war Daisy did not wait for him. She married Tom while Gatsby sat around waiting for her to come back to him. He truly believed they were meant to be together so he never dated anyone else. Gatsby knows that Daisy only cares about money so he flaunts his newly made fortune in hopes of luring her in. He some how looks past the fact that she is using him for his money and gave her his heart. He is stuck in the past and he wanted nothing less of Daisy than that she should go to Tom and say: ‘I never loved you (116). Daisy was tempted to leave her husband until she found out Gatsby made his fortune illegally. She killed Myrtle, let Gatsby take the blame which resulted in his death, and then she disappeared. This was not a true relationship because they were only trying to relive the past. When Nick tried to explain to him that he cannot repeat the past he exclaims, Cant repeat the past? Why of course you can!(116). Over time people change and though Gatsby tried to look past the fact that Daisy moved on, in the en d they were not together. One more relationship from the novel is between Nick and Jordan. This exemplified most relationshipsShow MoreRelatedDifferences Between The Great Gatsby Movie And Movie1339 Words  | 6 PagesThe Great Gatsby: From the Page to Film Undeniably, ‘The Great Gatsby’ by F. Scott Fitzgerald and its film adaptation, which follows the storyline of Nick Carraway during the 1920’s, were both great successes, with readers widely recognizing the book as an American classic, and the film making a worldwide gross of about $351 million dollars, while also winning two Oscars. 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When striving for success, people tend to neglect other important areas of their lives such as their health, emotional well-being and more importantly their loved ones. The literary works of The Great Gatsby, a novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald; the play Death of a Salesman written by Arthur Miller and Jon Krakauer’s novel, Into the Wild, depict the value of non-material, intangible possessions. The three pieces exhibit characters who neglect their lovedRead MoreThe Great Gatsby By F. Scott Fitzgerald2039 Words  | 9 PagesThe Great Gatsby, perhaps one of the most famous novels during the 1920s, contributed to Fitzgerald’s reputation. Fitzgerald revealed the two sides of the wealthy: reality and perception. Many people of the middle class and the lower class believed the riches had a fancy life. This prosp ect of the middle classmen perhaps made the stereotypical dream of being wealthy and rich. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Moral Panic Sociology Free Essays
A moral panic is defined by Cohen as ‘a condition, episode, person or group or persons emerges to become defined as a threat to societal values and interests ‘. In other words, a moral panic is an exaggerated reaction of fear towards a group or issue that causes panic in society, felt and reacted to by the public, media, police, and politicians etc. An example of a moral panic would be the increased fear over knife crime in Britain especially over the last few years. We will write a custom essay sample on Moral Panic Sociology or any similar topic only for you Order Now A folk devil is the group/issue at the heart of the panic, which are condemned, feared, labelled and/or blamed. An example of a folk devil would be youths, in relation to knife crime, terrorist, or ‘mods and rockers ‘established in the 1960s. These moral panics and folk devils are created and exacerbated by ‘moral crusaders ‘, the media is most likely the biggest agency that does this. Media reports often greatly exaggerate certain and specific areas of crime or deviance that are aimed to be a moral panic, and to victimize certain groups as folk devils. It reports on, for example, the alleged rising number of knife related crimes, and how a high percentage of youths in a neighbourhood near you are carrying a knife, even if this is a fallacy. Read also Sociology and Social Integration. This increase in media attention brings about a what is called a deviancy amplification spiral . This consists of a combination of contributing factors, the increased media attention brings about a heightened sense of public fear, resulting in a real increase in crime, either from the folk devils in question or from copycats, which in turn brings about a police reaction, creating a vicious circle of self-fulfilling prophecies, and the fear and media attention only increases the situation, this spiral also results in these panics lasting a lot longer than perhaps they should. The media uses the weapon of fear to stimulate moral panics, they give the view that firstly these deviant groups offer a threat to the norms, values and attitudes of the majority of society, and that a change will be brought about to people’s lives as these cannot be controlled. The media also gives credence to the view that moral standards are declining, and by exaggerating the crime paints the portrait of a country falling into a downward spiral. A conservative media article How to cite Moral Panic Sociology, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Inequality in Access to Modern Contraception-myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theInequality in Access to Modern Contraception in Nigeria. Answer: Introduction Health Care Issues are prevailing every nations of the world. This study emphasizes on Inequality in access to modern contraception in Nigeria. The use of the modern conceptive medicines has been unequally divided in Nigeria. This has created several problems for women in the country. The uptake of the contraceptive pills have caused disastrous effect on fertility of women. This report discusses about the challenges faced in Nigeria related to inequality in modern contraceptive. The Ottawa Charter has been discussed in the report with its implementation of the action area in this case. Data has been collected from the World Health Organization reports. This report outlines about critical analysis of the implementation of action area of Ottawa Charter in this case. The barriers in addressing this area of concern has been discussed in the report. Tis report focuses on strategies to mitigate these barriers and involvement of stakeholders into this matter. Ottawa Charter The Ottawa Charter is an international agreement made by World Health Organization (WHO) for health promotion. Health Promotion is process that enables people for increasing control over and improving the health care services in various health care organization (World Health Organization, 2017). Health promotion focuses on achieving equity on health care. It depicts equality in achieving heath care services for individuals. Health Promotion strategy requires identification of obstacles for securing adoption of health care policies in non-health sectors. In this case, health promotion in Nigeria has been focused by implementing one of the action area of Ottawa Charter. According to the case study, creating supportive environment is the action area that can be used in this case. A supportive environment is required in maintaining the statistical data regarding this case. The condition in the Nigeria has been worse by inequality in use of modern contraceptive. According to the survey done by WHO in Nigeria, there has been reduction in fertility by one child per woman. This has caused 13% reduction in GDP of the country in 20 years. Studies revealed that 30% to 40% of maternal deaths and 90% of induced abortion has occurred due to inequality in use of contraceptive (Fry Zask, 2016). Contraceptive use have minimizes the fertility rate and increase in threat of abortion among women in Nigeria. Fertility decline in an area is demographic depended, consequent reduce in poverty, enhancing economic growth and contributing to families and societies. Therefore, by supportive environment, the mentality of the human beings can be changed. Equality in the use of contraceptive for women might enhance. This policy have helped in maintaining the fertility rate in Nigeria. The supportive environment for use of modern contraceptive by women helps in controlling the rate of abortion and increase the rate of fertility in Nigeria. The family planning has been key option for the couples in the country. Before 1980s, family-planning programs was not a priority in Nigeria (Mendes, Plaza Wallerstein, 2016). Later on, this program has gained attention with the implementation of various policies by the Nigerian government. The policies include Nigerias National Population policy 1988. This policy was revised in 2004. The policy focuses on enhancing the use of modern contraceptives for health goals. The target for policy was to increase the use of contraceptive up to 80% among women (Lee, 2015). The revised policy concludes for a reduction to 75% by 2015. The fertility rate has reduce by 0.6 children per woman every five years and there is a 2% annual increase in proportion of women using contraceptives. Nigeria developed a blueprint for accelerating uptake of f amily planning with a target of increasing the national contraceptive prevalence rate to 36% by 2018 (Davies et al. 2014). According to 2013 NHDS, awareness about contraceptives is more and uptake is low. Only 15% of married women are using contraceptive and 10% are using modern family planning techniques. The statistic variables might be relieved by natural and behavioral components, for example, fertility, sexual movement and want for kids. African social orders are genius natalist, trust that kids are blessing from God, and are social and financial ventures; this has negative suggestions on utilization of contraceptives (Stock, Milczarski Saboga-Nunes, 2016). Couples and women who want more kids are less inclined to utilize contraceptives. Studies have discovered that a reverse relationship exists between quantity of living youngsters and utilization of present day contraceptives (Chen et al. 2016). A solid relationship has been found between womens training, particularly finished essential training and passage into auxiliary level, and ripeness decrease. A few examinations have detailed that womens instruction has a solid positive effect on prophylactic utilize (Gagn, T., Lapalme, J., Leroux, 2017). In Nigeria, training has been found to increment prophylactic utilize. Free of socioeconomic factors, information of contraceptives is determinant of prophylactic utilize. Introduction towards mass communications affects family planning arranging through ideation, which has been found to add to watched fertility decline. Proof from various researches uncovers that introduction to broad communications messages advancing family arranging may influence preventative conduct. In Nigeria, utilization of present day contraceptives, the expectation to utilize them, want for less youngsters were observed to be related with introduction to media message about family arranging. Planning Several steps are required during planning a project. In this, case the use of modern contraceptive among women has been described. The steps that are involved in the planning has been mentioned below: Understanding the timeline, resources, budget and contracts needed to implement the interventions Identification of stakeholders and ensuring appropriate participation and partnership Priorities interventions Phase in programs implementation. For completing a project plan: Prioritize interventions by ability for providing possible gain given the cost and available resources Preparing a budget Constructing a project implementation plan Arranging contracts for delivery of services and agreements on collaborative action Establishing a monitoring system. Challenges There are various challenges in implementation of equality in the use of modern contraceptive. These challenges are described below: Lack in Awareness There is a lack in the Nigerian people regarding the use of the contraceptive for women. The education system of the country is bad that have caused low literacy rate in the country. Therefore, there is an inequality in using the modern contraceptive among women. Due to inequality, the fertility rate of the country has been continuously decreasing by years (Eckermann, 2017). The consequences of the abnormal use of contraceptive in the society has been worse among the women. The health of women has been continuously degrading. Therefore, there is requirement of awareness among the people of Nigeria. Lack in policy The policy against these misconduct activities in the country has not been yet implemented properly. This have caused imbalance in the reproduction rate of the country. The improper use of contraceptive have caused different problems (Sarmiento Sarmiento, 2017). The government of Nigeria has not concerned about this problem. There is no strict policy made by the government against the inequality in the use of the modern contraceptive. Demographic In Nigeria, most of the married women plan their pregnancies without the use of the modern contraceptive. They stop child bearing without using the modern contraceptive. This has affected the reproduction rate in the country. Many women are having their child before 18 years of age, which is detrimental for both girl and child (Kickbusch Nutbeam, 2017). This causes high risk in the life of the girl. The use of the modern contraceptive can help them in this situation. However, they are not using the modern contraceptive. The Ottawa Charter has been an important part of the history in the field of health promotion among people. The ideas associated with the application of the Ottawa Charter has been properly magnified in the first part. The post colonialism gives a framework that depicts destabilized dominant Western discourse. The feature of post-colonial theory is to examine of the effect and legacy of the European colonization. It helps in recognizing the colonial assumption and consequences having inequality in the health promotion. It draws attention towards the Western culture and colonial activities in the society (Furber et al., 2017). The Ottawa Charter have helped in implementing equality among the colonial. The Postcolonial standpoint has been critical for considering different way by which particular colonial vision of the global health has been mobilized. In the case of Nigeria, the inequality in the use of modern contraceptive has been depicted in the paper. The implementation of the Ott awa Charter have helped in mitigating these problems in the country. As argued by (Dyment et al., 2017), in the wider context of Ottawa Charter has its own production that puts in practice with the help of generalized principle. The critical examination of the context of the Nigerian people regarding the use of the conceptive has been performed for implementing the Ottawa Charter. The action areas of the Ottawa Charter has been decided including creating supportive environment (McFarlane et al., 2017). A supportive environment helps in maintaining proper use of the modern contraceptive among women in Nigeria. Proper knowledge and awareness regarding the use of the contraceptive is required among the people pf Nigeria. This might help in understanding them about the use of the modern contraceptive. However, it is difficult not to see colonial imagination at work in a charter that is concerned with the Nigerian context. Various range of strategies are discovered for the implementation of the Ottawa Charter for maintaining balance in the use of the modern contraceptive in Nigeria. The health promotion have become a channelized process in the industry that is required by every organization. The use of the modern contraceptive have helped in maintaining the birth rate of child (Alami et al., 2017). The implementation of the Ottawa Charter in the Nigerian area have helped in maintaining the reproduction rate of the child. The mortality rate of the country has been balanced. The health promotion campaign under the Ottawa Charter have helped in providing awareness about the modern contraceptives among people in society. Emotions and social identity affects the colonial activities in the country. People are socially and emotionally attached to their loved one and require proper health care. The health promotion have been properly managed in the country for helping women from miscarriage. As commented by Eckermann, (2017), the use of the modern contraceptive have helped in providing proper solution for the problems faced by women in Nigeria. The use of the modern contraceptive have provided various approaches for the women in their marriage life in Nigeria. The women in the society are benefited from the action area implemented by the Ottawa Charter. The positive normalization of the health promotion in the western countries have able to position this action area for intervention of everyday behavior of people. The Ottawa Charter masked power imbalances and Western-centric worldviews, while also silencing non-Western voices. Conclusion It can be concluded that the Ottawa Charter have helped in maintaining the equality of use of modern contraceptive among women. The research has focused on inequality in use of modern contraceptive in the Nigeria. The Ottawa charter has been briefly described in the report. 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